This project is on the preparation of Poulet DG. The work focused on several method of preparation of the food. The recipe of how the food would be prepared is presented in this study. A comprehensive lists of the ingredients used for the making of the food is shown. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations were given.
Cameroonian cuisine is one of the most varied in Africa due to its location on the crossroads between the North, West, and centre of the continent; added to this is the profound influence of French food, a legacy of the colonial era. Staple foods in Cameroon include cassava, yam, rice, plantain, potato, maize, beans and millet. The French introduced French bread and Italian pasta, which are not as widely consumed. The main source of protein for most inhabitants is fish, poultry and meat. Chicken and plantains are two important ingredients used a lot in the African cuisine. And a favourite way to enjoy both of them may be the Cameroonian recipe called Poulet DG (Humphery, 2010).
Poulet DG is a casserole of chicken, plantains and vegetables. This recipe is not only delicious but it can also be very healthy if less amount of oil is used. This dish dates from the 80s and comes from Bamiléké (in the western region of Cameroon) (Mead, 2011). “DG” in DG chicken comes from “CEO” which implies chicken executive officer. It is so named because originally it was reserved for people of a certain social importance. However, presently poulet DG is completely democratized, especially as ingredients falling within its composition are accessible to all.
Therefore, this project is on preparation of chicken plantain poulet DG.
The poulet DG is a Cameroonian chicken dish. It is a chicken stew (fried) served with a cocktail of plantain chips, vegetables (carrots, peppers, green beans) and various seasonings (herbs, cube). It is a simple recipe, requiring little exotic ingredients. Hence, the need for adequate knowledge and skill in preparing poulet DG would help anyone who intends to prepare this meal.
This project work intends to solve the problems and difficulties that would be faced when preparing poulet DG.
The main focus of this project is on the preparation of poulet dg. Therefore, the specific objectives are as follows;
1. To examine the origin of poulet DG food
2. To determine the ingredients used for poulet DG preparation
3. To adopt a method of preparation of poulet DG
4. To show the recipe of poulet DG
1. Where did poulet DG food originated from?
2. What are the ingredients used for poulet DG preparation?
3. What method will be adopted for the preparation of poulet DG?
4. Where is the recipe of poulet DG?
The benefit of this study cannot be overemphasized. This is because a good food rich in balance diet is a necessity for all humans. Poulet DG is a rich source of balance diet. This work describes the recipes of poulet DG food. Hence, shows everyone the simple steps to take in preparing the food. This will eliminate the difficulties that would have been encountered by any person (especially in Nigeria) who intends to prepare it with the use of the steps that will be described in the methodology.
Also, it will serve as a research material for students who would like to embark on similar research work as it will serve as literatures.
The project is centered on the preparation of poulet DG. The scope of the study is focused on chicken and plantain as the main source of the food. This work will also look at the brief history of poulet DG. It will describe the steps taken for easy preparation of poulet DG through a comprehensive recipes.